The Kangaroo House relies on a multidisciplinary team involved in the project.

Josée Fortin
President-General Director
The Kangaroo House
Mrs. Josée Fortin possesses more than 25 years of experience in the business and community environments, both in Canada and overseas. From an academic standpoint, she holds a bachelor in international business from the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University and has graduated as a part of an exchange program with the University Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey in Mexico, Sinaloa, Mazlatan, as well as the Instituto Tecnologico de Merido in Yucatan.
She also holds a master in public administration from the ‘École nationale d’administration publique’ as an international manager. Moreover, she holds a degree in multimedia applications’ production from the ‘Institut des technologies de l’information’.
From a community standpoint, she has studied for a year in preparatory school for the doctorate at the ‘Université Laval’, at the faculty of medical and nurse sciences for community health. She studied also at the ‘Université de Trois-Rivières’ for a doctorate in psychology, research profile.
From an international standpoint, she has been a consultant for several years for markets development for both private and governmental organizations. She has also studied and worked for four years in Mexico where she has fulfilled numerous mandates for several companies. In parallel to her career in the business world, Josée Fortin has always shown interest in great social causes. But it is really in July 2011 that she decides to use her accumulated professional experiences in favor of social entrepreneurship, by founding The Kangaroo House.
The Kangaroo House is a unique and independent non-for-profit organization that offers emergency and first-line services to welcome children whose parents are experiencing temporary difficulties, while supporting parents themselves by referring them to relevant organizations. The services are opened 24h/7.
The Kangaroo House aims to provide services oriented towards the improvement of whole families’ health and wellbeing.
- Sister Annette Coutu,
S.P, Sisters of Providence, Senior Advisor
- John Mitacek,
Administrator - Eric Beuzen,
Manager communications and events - Leyd Urbano Cortes,
Human resources Administrative Assistant - Luisa Capogreco,
Corrector and translator - Cendrine Poitras,
- Valérie Korozs,
- Camille Vinaud,
- Marie-Claude Poirier,
- Lyne Tremblay,
Social media infographic design, and webmaster - Marie-Eve Barbe,
Graphic design, and webmaster - Pascale Bernard,
Responsible for funding - Marianne Durand,
Public Relations Coordinator - Naelle Roux,
Jurist - Marie-Josée Paquette
Real estate broker
- Laila Audette,
Funding and grants coordinator - Clara Landry
Administrative Assistant - Hind Lazrak,
IT coordinator - Siham El Kindi,
Human Resources Adviser
- Jonathan Gagnon,
Accounting - Marie-Josée Paquette,
Real estate broker
- Nicolas Fortin,
Social Network Manager