I am a father and I am telling you my story in order to give hope to people in the same conditions. My son and I were homeless after I was discharged from hospital. Thanks to the invaluable support of The Kangaroo House, and more particularly to the commitment of Mrs. Fortin, who offered exemplary and warm support, both verbally and financially, we were able to benefit from sound advice and multiple solutions. Thank you very much for your invaluable help.
A huge thank you to Madame Fortin and her team.
Thank you very much for the financial help you gave me. Indeed, following a traffic accident that occurred last December, in the zone reserved for pedestrians, I was hit by a car.
I lost consciousness, suffered traumatic brain injury, and suffered bruises. I have still not received all of the amounts from the SAAQ, I am unable to meet my current expenses, which is not enough to cover my essential expenses. I have to provide for my wife, my 21 year old son, my 20 year old daughter and my 5 year old daughter.
I thank The Kangaroo House for your exceptional financial assistance in order to partially regularize my situation and avoid further deterioration.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to The Kangaroo House for the valuable help they gave me at a particularly difficult time in my life.
When I knocked on their door, I was in a very precarious situation, full of uncertainties and fears for the future. Thanks to their unwavering support, I found the stability and serenity necessary to take care of my son like a loving and present mother, without being constantly afraid of not being able to meet our basic needs.
They reached out to me when I needed it most, and thanks to them, I was able to get back on my feet and regain confidence in myself. Today, I can look at my son with pride and give him the love and security he deserves.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the entire The Kangaroo House team. You changed our lives and I will never forget your kindness and dedication.
With all my gratitude.
The Kangaroo House has really helped me as a single mother who is struggling to make ends meet at the moment. I have two children: one 16 months old and the other 6 weeks old. They are everything to me; that’s why I get up every morning and do everything I can for them.
Thank you for your help.
I would like to express my gratitude to you for your support and generous donations. As a single mother of eight children, having gone through difficult ordeals, I am deeply touched by your help. I experienced domestic violence and, over the years, this situation had serious repercussions on the health and development of my children. Recently, our home was affected by mold, which led to respiratory problems for several of my children. Two of them must also undergo an operation by an ENT, and we are impatiently awaiting an appointment at the Châteauguay Hospital.
In addition, due to the fragile health of some of my children, I find myself obliged to leave our current home to ensure their well-being. Unfortunately, I’m having trouble finding a rent that suits our situation. I am the sole provider for my family, paying the house bills, accounts and expenses related to my children’s health and education. Domestic violence has also had an impact on the development of some of my children. Many of them have language and learning disabilities. I am currently unemployed because my 6 year old had a difficult birth and still cannot verbally express his needs.
The Kangaroo House is an amazing organization that has helped me and my 4 children find shelter and support in so many ways. Josée is a very generous person who exceeds all our expectations when it comes to seeking help for every problem, even if it means calling on other intermediaries, organizations or resources. The Kangaroo House also offered us a donation of food for the holidays without government funding and thanks only to donations from partners and donors. Josée managed to do more for families than I could imagine and it comes from a spirit of empathy and she puts her whole heart into the organization.
A first Christmas without the love of my life, the first Christmas without my children’s dad. This is the reality of a grieving family, our reality. Dad flew away with all our love and, from up there, he will rock our hearts forever. He leaves in our lives an immense void, but an inestimable wealth, our family. Despite this still very strong pain, despite the thousands of tears streaming down our cheeks, we live every day with hope, the hope of healing and rebuilding ourselves. To help us, the Kangaroo House, but more precisely, Madame Fortin is for me and my daughters a source of immense comfort, warm and comforting words and an attentive ear. Thank you for all the moments of exchange, which are very precious to me and dear to my heart. From my daughters and I, we wish you a happy holiday season filled with love, joy and more than ever this year my wishes will be for health.
With all my love.
I sincerely want to express my gratitude to The Kangaroo House for this special attention to us during this holiday season. You bring a spark into people’s lives where they least expected it. You are doing something that truly helps people and gives them hope. You are the beacon of hope we needed.
“Hope in the face of difficulty… hope in a context of uncertainty… the audacity of hope! Ultimately, it is God’s greatest gift. This belief in things cannot be seen. This belief in better days. Barack Obama »
We are very grateful to you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
I would like to express my gratitude to you for your support and generous donations. As a single mother of eight children, having gone through difficult ordeals, I am deeply touched by your help. I experienced domestic violence and, over the years, this situation had serious repercussions on the health and development of my children. Recently, our home was affected by mold, which led to respiratory problems for several of my children. Two of them must also undergo an operation by an ENT, and we are impatiently awaiting an appointment at the Châteauguay Hospital.
In addition, due to the fragile health of some of my children, I find myself obliged to leave our current home to ensure their well-being. Unfortunately, I’m having trouble finding a rent that suits our situation. I am the sole provider for my family, paying the house bills, accounts and expenses related to my children’s health and education. Domestic violence has also had an impact on the development of some of my children. Many of them have language and learning disabilities. I am currently unemployed because my 6 year old had a difficult birth and still cannot verbally express his needs.
My four youngest children have difficulty with language. They are subject to continuous speech therapy monitoring. My 8 year old child is awaiting an ASD diagnosis. Today, I find myself living solely on the family allowance. I am having difficulty managing payments for my older children who are continuing their studies. Thanks to your generosity, I learned that I will receive a donation which will really lighten our daily lives. I want to thank The Kangaroo House for its support and for the generosity of this donation which meet a crucial need for my family. Your kindness and help warm my heart and make this time more bearable for me and my children.
A simple little note to tell you how grateful I am to the organization The Kangaroo House. Having recently been hospitalized for pneumonia, which progressed to sepsis, I am recovering slowly, but surely. Now it’s the children who are sick.
Receiving a donation just before Christmas, to help me sweeten the end of the year, is priceless. This will help pay for medicine for the children, and provide some support for groceries. Your help warms my heart, acts of love help me believe in a better life, to which I greatly aspire. I will get there, me and my three children, who are 2, 3, and 10 years old.
them happy and be able to breathe a little during this holiday season. I’m going to have a great Christmas time with my boys. A big thank you The Kangaroo House Good luck helping families in emergency situations.
I would like to thank Madame Josée Fortin of The Kangaroo House for her support. I am a mother of two and we lost our home to a fire. We have lost hope in the darkest moments of our lives. A call to the organization helped us greatly. Josée listened to me and gave us a reason to continue and find hope again. Thank you for your support throughout our difficulties to draw within us the strength to continue our efforts, to bring your warmth and help to survive thanks to your donation.
Recently, I spoke with Mrs. Josée Fortin, to tell her my touching story and the difficult situations I am currently experiencing. Since 2023, my life has been turned upside down and I have lost the right to study, my health affects my sleep and I have to take care of my mother, who has become incapable. I have to pay for everything with little means. I have two boys who have language difficulties, and it’s difficult because I’m alone to take care of them. Thanks to you and The Kangaroo House, I can finally put a smile on my children’s faces for the holiday season, see them happy and be able to breathe a little during this holiday season. I’m going to have a great Christmas time with my boys. A big thank you The Kangaroo House Good luck helping families in emergency situations.
I am a single parent with a two and a half year old child. I lost my job in May 2024. Since then, I had benefited from a period unemployment and now I have had no income since December 3rd. Thanks to The Kangaroo House, which helped me greatly, I could spend the holiday season a little less worried.
I am filled with gratitude and I express my deep gratitude to you, because my son will be delighted for the festivities.
I would simply like to share the fact that after just one call, Ms. Josée Fortin helped me provide support to a friend with an emergency pause to manage her pregnancy peacefully, also being the mother of a little girl. In just 12 minutes, I was able to provide her with the support she needed, thanks to The Kangaroo House. Thank you very much for your empathetic listening and your precious help.
A friend recommended The Kangaroo House to me, and I found valuable listening and support there. I highly recommend this organization to all mothers looking for help.
We are extremely grateful to have had the support and help of Madame Josée Fortin of The Kangaroo House. During an invasion of our home, we had to leave for security reasons. We were disoriented, lost and confused, not understanding why we were experiencing this situation. I just wanted to get our son to safety as quickly as possible. The details of this event give you cold sweats. Mrs. Fortin was touched by our situation and brought a lot of joy back to our hearts as the holidays approached, because I had lost hope of being able to offer my son a wonderful Christmas. We would like to express our gratitude to the show “Le Tricheur”, to Édith Cochrane and to Madame Josée Fortin of The Kangaroo House for their generous support and their donation for me and my son. Thanks to them, our hearts are filled with hope.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas.
It is with great emotion that I would like to thank Josée from The Kangaroo House for listening and the sound advice and the help provided. Thanks to you, my family and I will have a wonderful and happy holiday season. My children will discover gifts under the tree that will bring them joy. A huge thank you for this less weight on my shoulders.
Amother and two happy children.
I am a street worker for the Dialogue program team at the YMCA downtown, in Montreal. I had the pleasure of working in collaboration with The Kangaroo House to help a woman who found herself on the street with her 4 young daughters aged 2, 6, 9 and 14 years old. We greatly appreciated the speed of access to services and the humanity with which we were welcomed. With the help of The Kangaroo House, a family was able to have a warm and safe place to spend the night. With the goal of collaboration, we had a quick follow-up by the organization the next day to find out what the next steps would be and ensure that the family would be safe. She now finds herself in a safe transition place and will be taken care of for the future. I will definitely keep the number of this resource in my contacts to help other people and families.
Maude Lafortune
Community worker, Dialogue
I am a mother of two young children. The principal of their school referred me to The Kangaroo House so that the organization could help me with the costs of childcare, because I am in a very difficult period financially at the moment. From the start of my telephone communications with Josée Fortin, I immediately felt that she was there to help me and find a solution to alleviate this situation. She was there for me and my children with great kindness. The Kangaroo House listens, and they are really very human. We clearly see that they love what they do, because I felt appreciated from the start. Thank you so much for everything you have done for my children and me.
La Maison Kangourou souhaite exprimer sa gratitude envers l’entreprise Fly 4 Freedom pour leur contribution à aider des familles de La Maison Kangourou en distribuant des jouets et vêtements pour Noël. Voici un petit témoignage de leur expérience et contribution pour l’occasion. La Maison Kangourou vous remercie de tout cœur aux noms des petits kangourous et de leurs familles.
À la Maison Kangourou et aux familles dans le besoin, Nous profitons de cette occasion pour souhaiter à tous un Joyeux Noël et de Joyeuses Fêtes. Notre mission est d’encourager chacun à donner un coup de main en ces temps difficiles, ayant ainsi un impact positif dans la vie de ceux qui en ont besoin. La période des fêtes peut être difficile pour de nombreuses familles, et nous voulons contribuer à atténuer ce stress en rappelant à chacun l’amour, la joie et la compassion qui existent encore dans le monde. Voir les sourires et la gratitude de ceux que nous avons pu aider a été une expérience vraiment réconfortante.
Merci,Équipe Fly4Freedom
Je suis un père monoparental et aujourd’hui, c’était vraiment une très mauvaise journée. Étant un homme très fier, il m’a été difficile pour moi de demander de l’aide. J’ai parlé avec Josée Fortin, elle a été une vraie bénédiction pour nous. Nous avons parlé sans jugement, elle m’a écouté et m’a donné des outils et de l’espoir pour l’avenir. Il est difficile d’être un parent seul aujourd’hui suite à une séparation. Josée m’a fait sentir que j’en valais la peine et que je ne suis plus seul. Ce soir, mes enfants dormiront à nouveau le ventre plein.
Merci Josée Fortin.
I would like to thank you for the support you have given my two boys and me. Thanks to your help, I went to my appointment with peace of mind knowing that my children were safe under the supervision of a trusted person who already knows my children which gave us the financial means to complete remuneration for looking after my two children.
Thank you very much with all my heart.
Hello Josée, it was so nice speaking with you on the phone. It’s such a relief to talk to someone who understands.
I am a single mother of 4, a 20 year old adult daughter in college and three children here with me, two boys and my daughter aged 15, 12 and 7. We are in a difficult situation because while I am working on my degree I am trying to complete which is my bachelor’s degree in psychology. Quebec Student Loans reduced my student loans because they said I had reached my debt limit. So I appealed in September and I am currently waiting for their decision while continuing my studies.
We therefore have very few means to survive. Having an emergency fund for us means the kids can eat properly by the 20th of the month and it means a lot to us just waiting while things are so uncertain. Thank you very much to Josée also for her kind heart and her understanding ear. It’s such a relief to share with her.
I called The Kangaroo House following a difficult separation. I found myself a single parent overnight with 100% of the responsibilities and bills. Mrs. Josée Fortin took my call for help and chatted with me for a good hour and wow, quite a discussion! She was very human and spoke to me like one speaks to a friend. She gave me back my self-confidence and took her time to help me see what a good mother and extraordinary person I am. I was able to receive financial assistance, but the listening, empathy and appreciation that I received from Ms. Fortin had much more impact and value for me than all the dollars in the world. Thank you a thousand times!!!
I would like to say a big thank you to the organization The Kangaroo House. I’m usually the one who helps others, but right now, this month, I’m going through a difficult time and sometimes I have small health problems. The money I received from The Kangaroo House will be used to buy diapers and some basic necessities that I really needed for my boys. I really appreciated Josée Fortin, a friendly, non-judgmental woman who listened to me and reassured me about my excellent work as a mother. Thank you so much.
I am a mother of four children who had major problems with mold in our home. I found myself in a difficult situation and without a home. I searched for suitable accommodation for several months without finding it. I came across the beautiful website of the organization The Kangaroo House which immediately inspired me with confidence. So I asked for help from the wonderful Josée Fortin, who not only listened attentively, but also recommended several organizations to find accommodation. She offered me a nice gift to help me in my efforts. Above all, don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Keep hope and go for it.
I am a single mother with five children, one of whom is autistic and in a very difficult situation. I found myself without housing. The Kangaroo House helped me and my children with their emergency fund for our basic needs. Many thanks; this has taken a huge amount of stress off my shoulders.
I am a public servant for the city of Montreal during my shift, I met a mother and her 2 month old baby, a small family who was kicked out of their rental and she contacted me for help. I found the organization The Kangaroo House and without their help the mother and her child would have been found on the street. Josée Fortin on the phone listened in a good mood and was very, very empathetic. Thank you a thousand times for this help.
I thank The Kangaroo House very much for the help they gave me. It’s not easy for a father to have to ask for help to feed his children. But we were lucky that The Kangaroo House was there, at the right time. I had a long exchange with the lady who called me and, honestly, I still get chills writing this message to describe how warm and understanding Josée Fortin was.
Thank you a thousand times. I have no other words!
Eighteen years ago, I met the man of my life. We fought our battles together, we lived in a world where people didn’t understand our age difference, but we made it our strength. On August 15, my love, my life, but above all the dad I had chosen, passed away, before the eyes of our children, his heart stopped beating and his eyes closed forever. So we find ourselves a wife and six children overwhelmed with a sorrow that never ceases to fill our eyes with tears. Every day, someone finds a way to accompany us in this process and every day we find a little comfort in them. The Kangaroo House responded to allow our daughters a moment of happiness by offering me the opportunity to buy them clothes for the start of the school year. No words or thanks can describe the expression of relief that you offer us today, a thousand thanks from a family which is trying to rebuild itself and which is pushing forward so as not to collapse. Know that you make the difference in my heart as a mother.
There will always be storms. This is the second time that we have asked for help from The Kangaroo House and each time, we have received outstanding service and valuable listening skills. This morning, after a difficult awakening, sick, with my little princess also sick, an unexpected event occurred in my budget. The Kangaroo House was able to help us! Really valuable help for this back-to-school season! Here is Zoey, 7, at her grandparents’ house, enjoying life without worries.
We are a large family and we have seven children. Madame Josée Fortin has supported us at every step of our journey here. Life sometimes has surprises in store for us, and it’s not always pleasant. After everything our family has been through, I would like to give my great blessing to this organization. We are so grateful to have such an incredible shoulder like his to lean on. My family will move forward with such positivity in our journey, thanks to The Kangaroo House.
Much love and God bless.
I would like to thank The Kangaroo House very much for helping us! My son has been battling cancer for two years, and we have accumulated a lot of financial debt. With the numerous trips to the hospital, the price of gasoline, while we live in a rural area it has been very difficult economically. We are moving very soon so your emergency help is greatly appreciated! Thanks especially to Josée Fortin for her time and listening to help our family!
I would like to make a statement to thank The Kangaroo House for the help you gave me with my rent. I’m a single parent and it’s not always easy, but thanks to you, The Kangaroo House, I can breathe a little easier. A big thank you to you, and I will be grateful to you forever. Thank you very much again, and I hope that one day I can make a donation to your organization to show you my gratitude.
I would like to express my sincerest thanks for your support and the crucial help you have provided in securing temporary accommodation for a family in need. Faced with a serious housing crisis, our search for shelter was met with repeated refusals, leaving us in a dire situation.
The family, who had recently arrived with a baby, were understandably distressed by the lack of shelter. Your compassionate intervention was a beacon of hope, providing them with the essential emergency housing they desperately needed. This act of kindness brought them the safety and comfort of a place where they can stay together.
Your generosity and support have made a significant difference and we are deeply grateful.
Kind regards, from a social worker.
Sara Nemati, B.A, CriminologyHuman Relations Agent / Agente de Relations Humaines
We and our three children would like to express our deep gratitude to The Kangaroo House for their invaluable support at a time of great difficulty. Faced with an unexpected eviction situation, we found ourselves without housing, with our dependent children, our 9-year-old daughter and our 15-year-old twins.
Currently, we have been unemployed for several months and, with part of our family having recently arrived, we were in a very precarious situation. The Kangaroo House intervened quickly to help us find emergency accommodation, providing us with a temporary roof and the security we desperately needed.
Their responsiveness and compassion were a real relief for our family in the uncertain times we were experiencing. Thanks to their immediate help, we were able to avoid ending up on the street and benefited from crucial assistance during this difficult period.
We are deeply grateful to The Kangaroo House for the vital support and dedication to helping families in crisis.
I am a woman who has experienced domestic violence. This experience was extremely difficult and traumatic for me and my 1 year old daughter. I had to leave my home urgently, without knowing where to go or who to ask for help.
Fortunately, I had the chance to cross paths with The Kangaroo House. This organization reached out to me by paying me temporary accommodation via an Airbnb. I have no income and thanks to this help, I was able to have more time to regain strength with my daughter and to contact other resources to help me in my situation in the long term and to consider a plan for the future.
I would like to point out The Kangaroo House which not only helped us in this situation, but the director Josée Fortin also offered me enormous emotional and moral support which was very valuable in the circumstances. She showed attentive listening and infinite compassion, helping me to get through this dark period of my life with more serenity and for everything she has done for me by helping me not only financially, but also morally.
Her help was essential for me to regain some sense of normality in our life and look forward to the future with a little more confidence.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the entire The Kangaroo House team. You are of great help to anyone, like me, who needs support in difficult situations.
With all my gratitude.
We would like to thank The Kangaroo House from the bottom of our hearts for their generosity and their speed of action. We are a shelter for mothers, women and children in difficulty. We received an urgent cry from the heart for a mother and her three beautiful little boys aged 4, 5 and 6. They had to be moved and separated from their father. They arrived in our house with their clothes for the day, nothing more. They had no change of clothes, no car seat, no toys. The Kangaroo House was able to help us thanks to their emergency funds, which allowed us to provide necessary items for this little family. In just one call, The Kangaroo House answered all our questions in addition to providing rapid, effective and extensive assistance. Mom can now breathe a little more, and the kids can go play outside (and get dirty!) as much as they want. Thank you once again to your wonderful support center, thanks to which families across Quebec can improve their living conditions.
I am the father of a nine-year-old girl. We would like, me, my mother, my daughter and my little brother, to thank the organization The Kangaroo House, Josée Fortin and the donors. Thanks to you and your donations, the organization was able to help us have accommodation and other services that spared me, my family, from the street, but especially for my young daughter and our cats who she loves so much. We were evicted from our home for renovation.
It was with the help of the organization that we were saved. They opened their arms to us when others could not help us. Our distress was at its peak until our family came across The Kangaroo House and we were able to benefit from invaluable help given our great distress. We were left on our own, but thanks to Josée, we were able to get emergency help and have several solutions. Thank you from our family and for what you do at The Kangaroo House, you have made a difference in our lives. Donate generously for the organization, because it is truly wonderful for families in need.
I am currently pregnant and mother of two children aged ten and four. It is with great pleasure that I give this testimony.
A few months ago, I was looking for accommodation because my lease ended on June 30. I was going to look for accommodation, but I was always refused, firstly because my credit was too low and also because I had children in my care. Having no longer any solution, I turned to emergency accommodation centers. There too, there was no place to accommodate me despite my condition. There was just room for victims of domestic violence, which was not my case. I had to sleep in a motel for two days with the children, which was far too expensive for my means, in addition to being very uncomfortable.
By some miracle, I came across The Kangaroo House. I met Josée Fortin who really has a big heart and she took the day to find me a place to stay. I was so desperate that day, that I sat in a McDonald’s with my children with the only hope of having a miracle. Around 4 p.m., I received a call from Josée telling me that I finally had a place. It was definitely a miracle. There must have been more than one kind person to help us, because many of us find ourselves in this kind of situation in the current context of housing shortage.
Thank you, Josée Fortin, for your hospitality.
I am a single mother of four girls and we recently left a domestic violence relationship. I only had $40 left in my pocket when a little hope came from The Kangaroo House. Just a positive word for Josée Fortin from The Kangaroo House who helped me and lifted my spirit up. Her efforts to find a safe place to go with my children and to ensure that we had food in our stomachs and basic necessities for me and my children was unforgettable and most appreciated, you can’t imagine. We will be forever grateful to The Kangaroo House.
I would like to thank The Kangaroo House for the help I received. I am a mother of two children. I just had surgery, so my health is not very good at the moment. As I cannot work at the moment, I need immediate help with household chores.
The Kangaroo House helped me when I thought that everything was lost and that I was going to find myself on the street with my four-year-old daughter overnight, but The Kangaroo House was able to give me hope in my life by offering help with the payment of my rent so that I can get by and keep my accommodation for my daughter and me. I will be eternally grateful to Josée immediate support and the great humanity of this organization.
Thank you The Kangaroo House.
Who can imagine that a mother could lack shelter. This is what happened to me that evening. I am a student mother of three children. I live alone with them and I have no family in Montreal. I needed to be accommodated for the night with my children and the few friends I have were unable to contact. God, thank you. The Kangaroo House took me in for the night. I almost spent the night under the stars, all the accommodation centers whose numbers 811 had given me were either full or they only welcomed women without children. Thanks to your generosity, The Kangaroo House gave me shelter for the night.
Thank you so much.
The way The Kangaroo House helped me is much more than I could have imagined, because Josée Fortin communicated with me and was very loving, caring and dedicated to helping me and my younger sisters, as I was in a difficult place in my life at that time. I asked all my friends and family to do their best to help us, but not all of them were able to provide help. I was stressed and worried about what I was going to do that day. Calling The Kangaroo House gave me hope, comfort and they put me in touch with resources in Montreal that I didn’t even know existed, so I am eternally grateful and indebted to them.
Thank you for the reassuring words that helped me during these difficult times.
I am a full-time dad to a beautiful big girl who is almost 8 years old. Let’s say that it’s not always easy, but thanks to The Kangaroo House and you, Josée Fortin, I was able to see hope at the end of the tunnel. I wanted to say a few words, especially to Josée, for all the help you give me, but above all, thanks to your hard work and your great determination, The Kangaroo House has still existed for more than 15 years.All my congratulations to Josée, don’t give up on your beautiful work. Thanks to you and The Kangaroo House, you can help families in need.
Thank you again a thousand times.
A huge thank you to the The Kangaroo House team and especially to Josée who quickly called us back. She helped us enormously with her good listening skills and her comments calmed us down. She reassured us in the face of the most difficult situations. Thanks to you, we were able to sleep at the hotel, because we had to leave our apartment last minute with 24 hours notice. We had a roof over my head, my partner, my son and our family love, Bandit, our dog. We were able to quickly feel safe and that is the most important thing.
Thank you for your help, support and listening. We have been lucky enough to be saved by you several times and we thank you again.
Thank you from the whole family.
I am a grandmother who has custody of her grandchild and I have been going through a really difficult time. I called The Kangaroo House and spoke with Josée, wow! She is a true angel. She listened to me with no judgment, only true compassion. She made me feel like I was worth it.
Thank you, a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
I wanted to thank The Kangaroo House enormously for the support, empathy, understanding and their help with my pregnancy follow-up. I am a mother with a one-year-old little girl from the city of Trois-Rivières and they helped me find a place to sleep as well as food despite the unexpected.
I have a high-risk pregnancy with several complications and had an appointment at Sainte-Justine hospital in Montreal which was last minute. This organization moved me for helping me so much in the face of unforeseen circumstances. I was uncomfortable at first calling, but I felt no judgment, only great support from them through this ordeal. Another big thank you to you.
I am from Mexico, I have a disease called osteogenesis imperfecta and I want to express the reason why I am asking your organization for support. I am a patient at Shriners Hospitals for Children and have been treated there since I was 5 years old. My last appointment for follow-up on my health was in 2019. I returned to Montreal this year to undergo leg surgery. So I stayed here longer than expected. I traveled with my maternal grandparents. They have taken great care of me since I was born. After two months of recovery following my operation, I have now been in rehabilitation to be able to walk again. I can now take small steps using a walker, because before my operation I could only walk short distances and with my wheelchair.
Thank you in advance for your precious help.
I would like to express my thanks to The Kangaroo House and in particular to Mrs. Josée Fortin for the help provided with my move at the last minute, otherwise I would have found myself having to pay two rents for the month of April because II couldn’t afford to fully pay the moving costs.
I am responsible for two children and with the high cost of living, I had difficulty assuming all the other expenses and paying the costs of my moving.
This new accommodation is very important for us, because it is inexpensive and will allow us to take a breath of fresh air.
Thank you for everything !
I am a single parent with a two month old son. We have been living in a domestic violence shelter for seven weeks now and will be moving into our own apartment very soon. It’s not a subsidized apartment, so I pay market rate. I have a lot of expenses, because now I will have to pay my rent on one income and I am currently on maternity leave. I need to buy new furniture for me and my son, as well as groceries and diapers. Thank you for the financial assistance that help us into our new home.
Thank you very much to The Kangaroo House and to Josée Fortin for all the help provided. Whether for an emergency for food aid or another emergency or for her support and attentiveness, Josée is always there to fight for women, families and children. It’s a chance to know this incredible resource that is The Kangaroo House. Thank you, I am grateful for your existence.
I am filled with hope when I see that an organization like The Kangaroo House sees a missed call without me leaving a message; calls me back to ask me the reason for my call and that in the end, I can get help when I no longer believe it! Thank you to The Kangaroo House for helping me so that I can keep my rent. Life is so hard sometimes that hope disappears, but thanks to this organization, I still believe in it! As a mother of three children, I have to face a society where the cost of living continues to increase, which makes every financial decision complex, a real headache .So I am extremely grateful to you for your help and support from the bottom of my heart.
In this storm that life brings us, our family has been through a lot.We asked for help from The Kangaroo House who responded to our call for help by offering us support and a lot of empathy for what we were going through.We, my partner, the children and I are grateful for this wave of love.
Thank you so much.
I am a single mother of four children and I was in financial impasse following a separation and a few setbacks. I turned to The Kangaroo House and was able to speak with a lady who was very attentive. She directly offered me her help and in truth, I really had a weight less on my shoulders. This organization saved my life when I needed it most. I, who never had the need to ask for help, was surprised by the speed. Very nice organization.
Thank you so much.
I just spoke to you to ask for your help. I really appreciate everything you do at The Kangaroo House to help us. Thanks to you my daughter will be able to stay with me. I am extremely lucky to have found you during such difficult times in my life. Thanks again. I will keep you informed of the court’s decision tomorrow with the pleasure of sharing and I wish you a very nice day.
Thank you to The Kangaroo House for responding so quickly. My children and I are new immigrants to Quebec. I accepted a temporary job and was hoping to become permanent. Unfortunately, I didn’t get permanent and lost all my income. I applied for social assistance, employment insurance and applied for several jobs. We are currently in a waiting period. I am a single mother of two boys aged 8 and 14. My children have different fathers and one of them died. We had to live on the streets or potentially stay in the hospital emergency room for shelter. Thanks to your support, I am able to overcome this ordeal. My kids will have a safe place to sleep, and for once in almost a year, we won’t just have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for meals. We have no family or friends in Canada. Kangaroo House is such a wonderful breath of fresh air for the trials we have faced. Amen! I hope God will align things in our favor after these trials.
I am a mother of 3 children and my granddaughter. We lived in an apartment that had a mold problem and we all got very sick. The owner refused to resolve the problem so we had to leave our apartment. I was very frustrated, stressed and didn’t know what else to do. I understand that the owner wanted to conclude an agreement to end the lease that I signed but unfortunately, I did not find any accommodation at that time so I made several calls to different organizations but I did not receive the help I needed. I found The Kangaroo House and that’s where I received help. I have never regretted contacting them. If anyone ever finds themselves in the same or similar situation, do not hesitate to contact The Kangaroo House. They will help you in the best possible way. I would like to thank you once again for the great help I received. I am very grateful.
I am a single mother of 2 children and I am currently going through a very difficult situation. The people at The Kangaroo House are really kind for offering me help. Thanks to them, I could meet certain basic and necessary needs for my children from the first days of the new year.
I greatly appreciate them for their generosity and wish them a happy new year.
Thank you to The Kangaroo House, for listening, advice and your humanity without judgment. The Kangaroo House guides us and knows how to reassure us in our role as parents. It allows young people to feel supported, heard and this is the key to the success of our young people. Thank you, because my son can enter adolescence feeling respected.
And thank you a thousand times for the help with the gift card, having a big family it helps so much. Continue your good work.
To give a short story about my situation, I have been a single parent for 4 years now with my 7 year old daughter, and let’s say that it has not always been easy as you know, with the cost of living which continues to increase. It’s not always easy to make ends meet, but in short, I’ve known The Kangaroo House for several years and I want to thank them greatly. I am very grateful to you for your help and a special thank you to Josée. She was always there to give me valuable advice. I received a lot, either for everyday things, groceries and gift cards etc. I am so grateful, and it is very precious in my heart to be able to count on The Kangaroo House. A big thank you to Josée, you are a remarkable person.
A big thank you to you and your entire team at The Kangaroo House.
Thank you from our family to yours. We truly appreciate your generosity and thoughtfulness. The Kangaroo House really offered us emotional support as well as family activities, event tickets and gift cards. I remember times when I was really at my lowest in my life, and The Kangaroo House was there for me when I needed them. We love being part of this community. The Kangaroo House is a family to us, and it has somehow become that.
I would like to thank The Kangaroo House for the help provided with a donation for me and my children. I’m going through a difficult time financially. The Kangaroo House offered me great listening skills as well as great support through the help I received. Thanks to The Kangaroo House I won’t be on the street next month.
Thank you a thousand times!
When resources are lacking and adversity presents itself on all sides, The Kangaroo House reveals itself as a beacon protecting families from shipwreck. We arrived in Quebec urgently following the serious injury of one of our two children. We lived abroad for the last five years in Mom’s country and when our oldest had his accident, he quickly needed quite delicate surgery. Unfortunately the country’s health system could not support him and we had to come to Canada to treat him. With all the unexpected costs to pay for emergency transportation, health care and examinations, emergency passports and visas, etc., we quickly found ourselves very destitute upon our arrival in Quebec. We spent two truly grueling and painful weeks where we were constantly consumed by worry, remaining completely helpless in the face of our child’s suffering. Praise God, our child was able to receive his surgery upon arriving in Quebec and is now on the road to recovery. But as we found ourselves with nothing when we arrived, without winter clothes, food or accommodation (in the middle of a housing crisis to add to our misfortune!), it was very difficult to adapt quickly to this sudden change and completely unexpected. We would like, on the part of my wife, on my part and that of our two children, to thank from the bottom of our hearts The Kangaroo House which has provided us with extremely valuable help during this particularly difficult period for us. Where else could we have found such help? What would we have done without her? We would particularly like to thank Madame Fortin who appeared unexpectedly like a guardian angel in our lives, and who was able not only to enlighten us on our path, but also to finally give us an emergency break from adversity, allowing us to finally catch our breath. Once again, thank you very much and we remain enormously marked by the attention, listening and help we received from The Kangaroo House. Your work will always be a source of inspiration, faith and joy for us. With all our affection!
Very sincerely, the family of the injured child.
La Maison Bleue Côte-des-Neiges would like to thank you very much for the financial assistance provided to one of our single-parent mothers. Thanks to your donations, we were able to allow her to have a sitter at home to take care of her two children aged 11 years and 11 months during her delivery. The children were thus able to stay together during this period and the mother was able to leave the house reassured. As newcomers with no support network and a multitude of other stressors, these donations have made a huge difference for this family.
Thank you so much!
I went through a fire yesterday morning and lost everything following the fire. I am a single parent with two children aged 11 years and 14 months.
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart The Kangaroo House for your telephone support and for your great generosity, just a big wow. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, lucky you are here that you exist. You guys are really awesome. Thank you very much to all of you.
I love you very much, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I contacted The Kangaroo House to seek emergency help for one of my homeless pregnant clients who needed accommodation for the weekend.
I was pleasantly surprised by the warmth and understanding of Josée who immediately answered the call. She agreed to help my client with a reassuring and quick plan.
Thank you very much to The Kangaroo House and to your sensitivity Josée!
Intake counselor, Mother and Child programPortage – Freedom from Addiction
We received a call from the PDQ for a lady and her 14 year old daughter who were at the central station after hours. The lady refused to leave and said she had no place to stay, because she had just arrived in Montreal from Toronto. During our calls with the lady, she was not very coherent, seemed lost, and we could feel her coldness through these words. We went to the station to join them around 2:30 am. The two were in the station parking lot. The lady showed great discomfort in the cold. Our workers called all the resources they knew, but either they no longer had room for both, or they could only accept one of the two because of the ages. The mother and daughter did not want to separate for the night (we had suggested a youth resource for the daughter and Guy-Favreau for the mother). Searching on the internet, we found the organization The Kangaroo House. So we called there, their representative was happy to help us, she hung up so she could make calls to the hotel for us. When she called back, she told us it was possible to help us for the night with the mother and daughter. The two were therefore placed in the hotel, nice and warm for the night. The Social Development Society is extremely grateful to The Kangaroo House. Thanks to you, a mother and her daughter were able to spend the night warm, together, during a situation that had already caused its share of stress.
I thank The Kangaroo House for helping me with transportation for my new job. A little help that will change our lives in a lasting way. Thank you for existing to support parents. Your organization is truly the only one I know that recognizes the great need of parents to receive the support that is so essential so that we can give the best to our children. Your assistance is essential. Thank you to everyone who contributes to a world where parents are not left totally to their own devices, exhausted, overloaded and trying to make ends meet.
We landed on October 7th in Canada and requested a refugee file. We submitted our file, but we had a lot on our trip, food and hotel rooms. We no longer had money left to feed the family. I called many social organizations and fortunately The Kangaroo House agreed to help us.
Josée is the lady we spoke to. First, she listened to us and then helped us to relocate temporarily in a hotel room. Then we were given a food voucher to survive until our demand was treated. She also guided us through information about work and how to survive here in Canada. I am really grateful to The Kangaroo House for helping us in this moment of crisis. I really appreciate Josée efforts towards my family.
Thank you
I wanted to thank from the bottom of my heart The Kangaroo House who responded to our call for help for me and my partner to have an emergency break. Being in a particularly difficult situation since the birth of our second child, we needed some time to recharge our batteries and The Kangaroo House was able to meet our needs. With this help, we will be able to have a moment to ourselves.
You will understand that with two children with precarious health conditions and between two hospitalizations it is very difficult to allow ourselves time for ourselves in order to decompress, but with the financial assistance received we will be able to have access to a period of care for our two children.
Thank you a thousand times!
I am 20 years old and took in both of my younger sisters, ages 10 and 15. I struggle immensely trying to support us financially. It was a struggle to buy groceries, clothes and pay bills. Luckily, I was given information about The Kangaroo House by my social worker and came in contact with Josée. Josée went above and beyond by giving me information on housing and not to mention the emergency funds I needed. Josée and The Kangaroo House lifted a weight off my shoulders and I am very appreciative.
I would like to thank The Kangaroo House for its support, sometimes we think we are alone, but we are never alone. I didn’t dare to ask for help and one day I had no choice. If I had known all this, I would not have waited so long. Here is a little insight of my story.
I am a mother of five children, three of whom are minors. My 11-year-old son is in a rehabilitation center three hours away. I’m trying to have him transferred to a center closer to home to make travel easier and have the chance to see him as often as possible but unfortunately, it’s not done as easily which causes me astronomical costs to be able to go and the time with him without counting the wear and tear on the car for traveling. In addition, I have to rent a place with enough rooms for my five children and feed them.
I had an extremely difficult year with my health and with my violent ex-partner. I’m trying everything I can to get through it, but it seems like the problems are just piling up. Thank you to The Kangaroo House for supporting me through our challenges, for listening and for your help.
A nice surprise from Mrs. Josée Fortin from The Kangaroo House who called me this summer to offer us a wonderful family moment. Not only does she have a great heart but she remembered our family and the difficulties we were going through. I couldn’t believe she thought of our family to try this new activity. We were able to choose our time to do the activity with all the whims of mother nature this summer for a beautiful sunny and warm September afternoon. Ms. Fortin offered us a great family adventure for the famous pirate ship stationed at the Old Port of Montreal, Voiles en Voiles. We were able to enjoy all the attractions for four hours, it was worth the detour. We used it until the last minute.
What I appreciated for a mother in the mini pirate village were especially the activities for all ages and of different difficulties. My youngest, almost two years old, had fun sliding around in the pirate ship while his sisters went on the course. Then we all tried the IMAX cinema with the moving benches; however, the girls were scared when the sea monsters appeared. They quickly forgot their fear by going to the inflatable games so everyone was connected to each other.
It was crazy, fun and after only an hour we were burned and out of breath. A lovely, fun and sporty afternoon we even think we have lost three kg and we are reasonable in our figures. And we ended up with a few carousel rides, even though we had started with that before leaving the site to return to the normal world and the evening routine before daycare and school.
As we left the site, the children asked me when we would go back because they didn’t have time to try everything. We understand that there were courses for the most advanced and that they were forbidden to them in a certain way. In short, it’s really a beautiful place to discover as a family and to adopt. Bring good shoes and large bottles of water… you can fill them directly on their site, but you still need a basic water bottle… I would even say obligatory because you’re spending so much energy.
Thank you so much for everything and for thinking of our family so they could get away and enjoy a little late summer. We really appreciate it, even if it seems like a weak word to us, you made a huge difference on this beautiful Sunday. A wonderful weekend this family we had thanks to this certificate of Voiles en voile. It’s a good end to a summer, I would even say.
I asked for financial assistance from The Kangaroo House to help me with the repairs of my car, because times are difficult and the cost of living is very expensive at the moment. I separated not very long ago from the mother of my two beautiful children, unfortunately it no longer worked and for the good of our children. I am taking the time to write a few words to thank you for your help. I will be grateful all my life for this beautiful gesture.
I would like to thank you for this wonderful gesture of financial support. I am a single mother of a wonderful little golden princess and it’s not always easy right now with the cost of living. Your advice goes straight to my heart. Thank you for creating The Kangaroo House, an extraordinary organization.
I wanted to thank The Kangaroo House for the help provided with purchasing school supplies for my children.
I contacted Ms. Fortin two days before the start of the school year, who spared no effort to provide us with the necessary support to purchase my children’s supplies in time for classes.
I would like to say a big thank you to The Kangaroo House which symbolizes hope, humanity and mutual aid.
Hi Josee, Here is the photo of myself and my 15 years old son along with a short testimony. I sincerely appreciate that you took the few minutes to listen to what I had on my plate this morning.
In the morning of, August 3rd, I had a list of many Shelters in Montreal and The Kangaroo House was the last number on my list to call for assistance in finding a safe shelter for me and my son.
As many of the shelters have limited guidelines to accept mothers with children (in my case a young teenage son), my search for safety was coming to an end, at least it really seemed like it.
Then, Josée Fortin answered my call. While I was explaining to her, I was at the brink of giving up everything with no more ounce of hope but it was with the most understanding that she luckily referred us to a service immediately specialized for our needs, that of indigenous people. With the tiny bit of time to make the call, I gathered up myself and It was just in time; a miracle.
My son and I were accepted to get a room temporaly. I was given a time frame to make it to the shelter, if not, the space would have closed. The shelter informed me a room was opened, on the exact same day, and it was at the exact moment and timing, this call saved us. That was ever so humbling.
It was at the very last effort and push and there was a haven to rest and begin gathering our path again was made possible. The impossible, can certainly become possible one step at a time.
It’s really not easy for me to ask for help, but it’s even worse to go through this on my own. I am a mother who was widowed just three years ago. I am a beneficiary attendant with 23 years of career, but now I am seriously injured having saved the life of an elderly lady. I can no longer work at the moment so it is currently very difficult financially, but life has sent an angel to my rescue. This Angel is Mrs. Josée Fortin with The Kangaroo House. Just talking with Josée reassured and comforted me so much in my distress. I can’t even put into words how much she helped me. So, I’m just going to say from the bottom of my heart thank you Josée and thank you to The Kangaroo House for your help. You are doing miracles for us. You are angels on earth.
I write to you as a social worker and as an individual like any other. Knowing that this is the case for all my colleagues in the Department of Social Work, I work with patients in situations of great vulnerability. Not only do they manage their precarious health, but they are often newcomers, with language limitations, financial, food and housing insecurity, being parents of very young children, from marginalized communities. The burdens that such resilient individuals experience bring unique risk factors. Having a stroller at our disposal will be an asset for one of our patients with a very young child, who does not have the resources to fill this essential. Thank you very much for the work you do at The Kangaroo House and your precious gift of a stroller. Your mission is that of heroes!
But what a fantastic organization! That day, I spent the day making calls. I did not fit the selection criteria. I was beginning to be distraught. I was referred to this organization which is The Kangaroo House. I called, they were there to listen to me and guide me that evening. I can never thank them enough. This allowed me to put my ideas back in place to rest physically and mentally. Even the children did not want to wake up the next day to go to school.
Keep donating! It’s really important. It helps families who are in immediate need a lot. If I win the lottery one day, I’m guaranteed to donate to The Kangaroo House. Keep up the good work!
Fortunately, The Kangaroo House exists. We are a family with three children and for more than two months we have unfortunately been living the impact of the housing crisis. We are forced to live from Airbnb to Airbnb due to the situation. We have spent disastrous sums of money and here we are at the end of all our solutions. We had to contact The Kangaroo House and in less than 24 hours Madame Fortin returned our call.
She helped us by finding us accommodation while we recharge our batteries and find solutions. A huge thank you to The Kangaroo House and believe me, we can’t tell you enough. xxx
I would like to say thank you to La Maison Kangourou for all you do for me. It is amazing thank you very much. I am a single parent and I can assure you that I have a lot of difficulties at times. The prices are only increasing due to inflation and it enormously affects the families already in difficulty. Luckily there is The Kangaroo House. They are there to help us, they take the time with people and we feel listened to. They are human, kind and so caring. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to The Kangaroo House and a thank you to Josée Fortin.
Talking to Madame Fortin was the best thing I had to do. Thanks to his expertise and his humanism, this allowed me to be strong. With her journey, she gave me the strength, the courage and the tools for my own plans for my future.
I am a newly single parent. La Maison Kangourou allowed us to overcome a difficult month. The donation of mattresses and goods helped greatly as well as an action plan for my future projects.
Thank you for everything.
I received a wonderful call from Josée from La Maison Kangourou who listened to me and advised me as best as possible with a heart of gold.
I got help feeding my 4 year old son and she opened doors for me to subsidized apartment rentals.
I am really happy with all the solutions she has given me and which will help me move forward in my efforts. I recommend Maison Kangourou not only for answers but above all for the attention it offers you.
Thank you cordially from a dad and a 4-year-old boy.
Thank you for your support.
I was going to give birth soon and I was alone. I needed someone to look after my eldest while I was in the hospital for labor.
The CLSC nurse gave me the name of The Kangaroo House knowing my current situation. I contacted Josée who offered me funds for my oldest child’s daycare for my hospital stay and my recovery. She also offered me an amount for diapers for the first month of my newborn. It helped me a lot during this period.
On the phone with Josée, I was touched by what she has been doing to help other mothers for 12 years. She comforted me with her warm and positive words. I hope that all of us who receive help from her can pass on the kindness to others who are in dire need of it.
I want to thank the Kangaroo House for the help that I received. I am a mother of 4 children who is experiencing difficulties related to a situation of domestic violence. I have just obtained housing with the OMHM but I have nothing left and I am starting from scratch.
I have no appliances (oven, fridge, washer and dryer), I have no bed or mattress for me and I have no clothes for me and my children. I don’t have any lingerie either (towels, sheets). I have no toys for my child.
Thank you to The Kangaroo House for your support.
I would specifically like to thank the Kangaroo House for the help and less stress they offer us, by helping us financially to stay with our 3-month-old little boy who has been hospitalized in St-Justine since birth.
We who live 2 hours’ drive from Montreal, we greatly appreciate being housed at The Manoir and having the chance to be alongside our little love!
Without The Kangaroo House we would surely not have this incredible opportunity. Knowing that our boy still has 3 to 4 months of hospitalization, we are most grateful to them and we will be eternally indebted for this great opportunity offered to us.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you make a big difference in people’s lives.
A huge thanks to The Kangaroo House for the financial assistance for my rent. My wife is pregnant and I had to stop working to be a caregiver because my little guy was diagnosed with a rare disease which is spinal muscular atrophy type 2.
He must follow a treatment that requires us to be in complete isolation for 6 weeks. As I am the only income provider in the house, the big help from La Maison Kangourou has taken a huge amount of stress off us and we can now put all of our energy towards my son!
Our most sincere thanks from the entire Séguin family.
It’s not always easy to ask for help. I think we have to dare.
I would like to thank Ms. Josée Fortin, founder and director of The Kangaroo House, for being a great listener and also for the help provided when we needed it.
We are parents of 3 young children and we are going through a difficult time. I am currently off work due to an injury and my spouse is missing a lot of work due to his mental health. So I contacted the organization. Josée, with whom I spoke on the phone, is such a wonderful person who takes our children to heart and supports our little families who have to face unexpected challenges.
thank you so much
Dear Maison Kangourou,
I wanted to thank you for helping me with the cost of moveing. I really appreciate it because it means that you are providing with support. This has taken a part of the financial weight off my shoulders. Without your help I am not sure how I would of managed to deal with the cost of this moving. As an immigrant and single mother, this support has made me feel like I am not totally alone within this country. You have also provided me with the opportunity to achieve my desired goals to start a new life with my son.
God bless you and I hope that you will continue to grant this blessing to other mothers like me.
L and L
A big thank you to the Kangaroo House for paying the ambulance fees for my little princess who had to spend some time in the intensive care unit of Ste-Justine a few weeks before Christmas.
Thank you also to The Kangaroo House for the school fees for my little princess. Quite a weight off my shoulders. As a single mother of a different child, it is not always easy to make ends meet. A great relief !!!!
My daughter and I thank you.
A stay of gratitude as well as a balm on the heart for a difficult period for the holiday season in this year 2022. We chose the Super 8 in Trois-Rivières and I think it was a good choice for the family.
If you ever have kids, don’t make the mistake we made of telling them ahead of time that we were going to a pool with a slide. They counted the sleeps at home and at daycare until the day came. Their batteries were long lasting Duracell that day. The next day, pool all day followed by an evening with a TVA superhero movie. And the departure was hard, because they were not happy to leave this place since they left the swimming pool and the room where everyone was sleeping. At home the children have their room and the parents theirs. Despite the small pitfalls of crisis, we had a nice family room with two beds, a half-living room with a sofa bed, a coffee table where we could put the small-man playpen. The children slept very well like the parents. Our small-man decided during the stay that he walked on these two feet.
In addition, when we returned from our stay the next day, we received a Christmas letter from The Kangaroo House. It is a beautiful Christmas card. I don’t know how to thank you since, because not only were we able to take advantage of an emergency break, even with three children under the age of 4, you helped us with a gift card for the holiday season and enjoy a good Christmas meal. Yes yes, the mother started cooking in order to save money and be able to have it for longer.
Thanks to you, The Kangaroo House, I don’t know how to thank you for everything since Thank you is not enough for everything you have done. Sincerely, a big thank you from the bottom of my heart. We had a wonderful family time.
It’s been a tough time, and I wasn’t sure we were going to have Christmas dinner on the table. But with the generosity of The Kangaroo House, that won’t be a problem this year. I am humbled and eternally grateful! You have no idea what your help meant. Feliz Navidad from our family to yours!
Happy Holidays.
We never think we’ll find ourselves in a precarious situation, but it happens and we have to deal with it. Look your child in the eye and say, sorry princess, but we’ll have to do without some of the lower priority things on our list. We’ll have to wait until we have more resources…Finding help when we don’t even hope for it simply leaves us without a word. May the Lord Jesus Christ remember you Mrs. Josée Fortin in his goodness. Your organization still makes us believe in human generosity.
**Then again, you will see that there is a difference between the righteous and the wicked, and between the one who serves God and the one who does not serve him.** Malachite 3,18
What a surprise I received from you this week : a gift card for groceries. You made me cry when you opened the card. Wept with relief. Even if the tree will not be filled with many gifts this year, we will at least be able to enjoy an excellent Christmas meal together, thanks to you. You are magical. Anyway, for me you are sincerely. Wishing you a happy holiday season.
A sincere Thank you from all of us, my 4 wonderful children and me xxx
I would like to thank The Kangaroo House very much for the help provided in my time of need. I am a single mom and I was recently diagnosed and had to stop working. I am going through a difficult period financially and I called at the non profit organization. Josée, with whom I spoke on the phone, is a truly human person and I did not feel any prejudice on her part.
Thank you very much for your involvement in our company, it is really appreciated.
I would like to thank The Kangaroo House, especially Mrs. Fortin, for allowing us to relax and have fun together with my son. Daily life is not always easy and especially not very relaxing with an ADHD child. With the beginning of primary school this year, I feel that these little moments are not so numerous anymore. Thanks again for this good time.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your psychological and financial support. We are so grateful and full of gratitude to you and your organization. We are privileged to have you on our path. Thanking you for the time you take every moment to talk with me. I continue to move forward and fight despite the obstacles, and never get discouraged. I have great daughters and so do you.
We met an angel on our way, Mrs. Josée Fortin, founder and director of The Kangaroo House, a great lady with a big heart and a real interest in the well-being of children.
She allowed my daughter and I to take a break, which did us a lot of good to recharge our batteries.
Given that there is no crisis center for children’s mental illness in our Quebec health and social services system, the creation of such an organization, The Kangaroo House, by Josée Fortin, is entirely justified.
Thank you very much.
Thank you again for your generosity, not just in terms of money, but for taking the time to inform me on many subjects, and we all know that time is precious.
I am also taking my time to tell you how generous you are in many ways. The world needs people like you, you make a huge difference in our lives.
So once again THANK YOU!
V. and K.
Thank you to The Kangaroo House for helping us fill our fridge. With the loss of two fridges in one week, this help has greatly helped us to finish the month. The children and I are very grateful for all the help given to our family.
A huge thank you from the bottom of our hearts, it took away so much stress. We owe you a lot of gratitude, a huge thank you again.
F. Family
I am a single mother of an 11 year old girl. We applied for refugee status in Canada and, thank God, we were accepted on September 27, 2022. Our final destination is Montreal, but we had to go through Toronto and we arrived at 11pm in the rain and on the street! A shelter that had no more beds available, allowed us to stay the night at the reception. After a bus ride to Montreal, we went to two shelters, but because of bed space problems and immigration papers, we were left at the reception again. The last shelter referred us The Kangaroo House and they were able to speak with Josée on the phone. This non profit organization offered us emergency assistance and we were able to stay overnight. We arrived at a wonderful hotel, more than we expected. Tired but happy to be able to rest properly at last.
Thank you again for giving us hope, and thank you so much for your generosity. I did not expect this act and I thank God, Josée and The Kangaroo House for giving us hope, because more than the physical well-being, it is the joy of knowing that we are not alone. To you too, the donors of the organization who allow these miracles to happen to people like us, a thousand thanks for offering us this hope.
May God bless you and The Kangaroo House.
Sincerely yours,
M.I. M-S, and her daughter M.S. M-S
A huge thank you to The Kangaroo House for offering us this superb weekend at the Super 8 Lachenaie hotel… The exhausted family that we are was able to enjoy a king bed, a pool with water slide and a spa! It feels so good to get out of the ordinary, especially when the world seems to be slipping away from you!
Thanks again. L-L Family
Hello, we had a wonderful stay at Étincelle center. The food was delicious and the staff was attentive. The animation staff of the summer camp were dedicated, dynamic, they reminded me of a great time when I went to camp myself. My son made friends and so did I!
A truly unforgettable stay!
Thank you to the team at The Kangaroo House and to Mrs. Fortin for allowing me to participate in the camp.
Thank you 100x for giving us this opportunity. The children had an amazing experience and so did I. As luck would have it, we were with families from an abused women’s center. Each of us was a single mother, at the end of our rope, and the moments we shared together were a balm on our respective lives. The camp was perfect, we enjoyed every second and thank you again for giving us the chance to experience this.
I am a single mother with a 15 year old daughter and I am currently 4 1/2 months pregnant. I would like to thank The Kangaroo House for the emergency help it has given me and my daughter. My daughter walks to school. I ran out of food at home, but thanks to The Kangaroo House, I can put something in my fridge and my daughter can take the bus to school. I am so grateful for this gift for me and my family.
God bless you all.
I would like to thank The Kangaroo House which has no government support. Thanks to your donation, I was able to get out of a very difficult situation during the pandemic, with 2 children and a single mother, and no food aid. I also have difficulty paying my rent, because I was in event organization, and I had to make a professional reorientation.
It is thanks to you, because you supported me with your wonderful gesture of generosity, and with a listening and help. You have a heart of gold, thank you so much we will never forget you!
A. G.
I would like to thank The Kangaroo House for allowing us to go on this trip. It was great to be able to enjoy life and to get away from a family context that is really not easy at the moment.
I would like to thank Mrs. Fortin for her kindness and generosity as a person.
Thank you for this beautiful listening that calmed some bad inner waves and for this quality time after a 10 days of intense isolation with my son.
of intense isolation with my son.
I wish you a wonderful holiday season with your loved ones!
Thank you
N. G.
I am very happy to be able to receive an IGA gift card from you.
It’s a great relief this holiday season, because after Christmas is always difficult. So I can treat myself and my son a bit for Christmas and have him do activities without worrying about running out of food after the holidays. Logan, who has severe ASD, cannot stay at home, he absolutely has to do activities for his well-being. I am really happy, thank you very much.
The hospital put me in touch with the organization The Kangaroo House, which offered us financial assistance for relieve us of this burden of travel costs.
Thanks to their support and their warm and human approach, I was able to devote myself to doing what is really needed, take care of me and my family. Thanks to the Kangaroo House, my smile returns quietly, because it has been present and active in a crucial moment for us and with the speed of action, I was able to relax a bit, because she was able to target quickly my needs.
Thank you very much for everything, listening, sensitivity and above all support.
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the happiness you have brought me today. I am newly separated from an 11 year relationship with a narcissistic and controlling man who I have been 11 years old with who is the father of my fantastic baby boy, but with special needs.
Today you have made a mother’s heart at peace. Thanks to you, I will be able to offer my son a good Christmas meal. I cannot thank you enough for your help especially at this time of my life so difficult!!!!! You are extraordinary! My son also thanks you for your generosity.
I wanted to thank you for the service you provided for my nephew Aksil, as his mother is in intensive care.
We have found ways to cope until he recovers, and your intervention has allowed me to attend my classes. I never thought I would find such support at the right time, so I wanted to thank you properly.
I am very grateful to you, Mrs. Fortin, and I wish you all the best.
R. A.
We would like to thank you for your support in allowing us to see our children for the first time in over a month due to our long hospitalization. This is the best boost of courage we could have received to keep fighting, there are only 3 weeks left!
We couldn’t be more grateful to your non profit organization, and will not hesitate to recommend you to friends or acquaintances in the future if they should encounter health difficulties.
Thank you so much!
E. P.
Hello Josée,
Thank you once again for offering us an emergency hotel. We are very happy with your help.
Thank you to the families who take the time to write to us to share the help they have received from The Kangaroo House, it always gives us great pleasure to know we make a difference in the lives of the children and their families A special thanks this year to Mrs Brittany Henriques for her contribution during the holidays.
We are happy to have been able to help in emergency a mother who gave birth at the Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital. This mother needed a breast pump after a cesarean delivery. The Kangaroo House was able to collaborate with the hospital and offer this precious device to feed her one-day old baby born by cesarean section.
Thank you again, you are a very precious partner for our families!
M-C B.D. Social Worker – Youth Program
Thank you to the families who take the time to write to us to share the help they have received from The Kangaroo House, it always gives us great pleasure to know we make a difference in the lives of the children and their families A special thanks this year to Mrs Brittany Henriques for her contribution during the holidays.
Thank you to The Kangaroo House
Hello Josée,
I would like to thank the Kangaroo House for making such a great Christmas for my family! I am a single mother with 5 children who was in desperate need for an emergency help. I was so grateful when I was offered a 2 night stay at a hotel! This came in perfect timing and was a great change of scenery which allowed me to relax and have fun with my children. We had access to the indoor pool and my children had a blast. I really appreciate all that you did for us.
I want to thank you for giving my family such a wonderful gift. We really enjoyed ourselves. I cannot tell you how happy they were and I am sure they will remember this occasion for ever.
I wish you happy holidays
Take care
Happy New Years and thank you to the Kangaroo House who helped us a lot during the last year by their support, their listening but also for giving us a wonderful check which allowed us to have a wonderful Christmas!
The help of The Kangaroo House has given us is invaluable to our family …. it really made all the difference !!! Again a huge thank you from our family.
Good day !
I had to take the happiness of my family in hand. A rough patch shooked our joy and I refused to accept it. When, fifteen minutes later ?? the luggage were done, I contacted The Kangaroo House to share my idea with them. Having been in contact with them for a while now, without hesitation, I was encouraged to go and even offered to help me with accommodation. The magic had just operated : the help that The Kangaroo House was giving us for the hotel, combined with finding a « discount » site, made it possible to transform our disappointment for giving up the karting track that we had dreamed so much about and the fabulous climb of the Skylon Tower in reality! It is with a light heart, filled with gratitude and eyes sparkling with joy that we salute the fabulous and devoted work of The Kangaroo House, without which many « breathless » families would remain breathless and discourage…
To whom it may concern,
This is to testify to the help, advice and listening offered to our family by The Kangaroo House. Last fall, Mrs. Fortin, through The Kangaroo House, helped us obtain food aid (groceries at Metro), donated La Ronde tickets for me, my spouse and my disabled daughter. In addition, she listens, helps and advises us when we are going through more difficult times, both on a family and financial level. Our family is very grateful for all that Kangaroo House has given us and continues to give us…
Good day,
Thank you for the support you gave me after the domestic violence. You offered me your services in the past because I was out of breath…(I was hiding domestic violence from everyone.) The CLSC Saint-Michel in Montreal had told me about your emergency centre. I wanted to take my son there to help me get back on my feet and make a game plan to deal with this violence and also with my health. You had told me that your house had suffered a disaster and that you were no longer taking children, except that you never gave up the situation! You had offered me a night in a hotel with my son, which I did.
Hello to you Josée,
This morning I am writing to give you my testimony about your services that you have offered me so well over time and still today. At first it was when I separated from the father of the children. I was living with psychological, physical and financial violence! I had to leave Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean to relearn how to live and give my children security! In 2012, I went to the city of Montreal to a house of abused women to put my children in safety! We had to learn to live again and above all to gain confidence in people around us. This is easy to say, but very difficult to do, I promise you!!
We were living in a very difficult family situation with a lot of tension and little fun. We contacted The Kangaroo House because we needed help and a break. We spoke at length with Josée Fortin, founder of The Kangaroo House, who listened to us, understood us and gave us her enormous moral support…
Thanks !
Many thanks to The Kangaroo House. Thank you for giving me a nice night at the hotel, allowing me and my boy to have a break from the routine, sometimes very difficult to manage with my son having some special needs. I am a single mother who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis almost ten years ago. We had a nice evening together and then my boy was able to do a different activity that he enjoyed. It was a good time for me because our daily lives are not always easy.
During a series of unhappy news, I could not see the end. My social worker from the Agertour program told me about The Kangaroo House. I called not knowing what to expect, but I was able to chat with Ms. Josée Fortin who not only listened to me, but helped with what I was going through and what was happening in the family. I must admit that with the current situation (Covid-19), every organization was closed or at least most of them, but she offered me to stay at a hotel for my partner and our two daughters. It allowed us to get out of the routine and to relax. Yes, yes: RELAX. I was skeptical, but my daughters listened, no crisis, nada of the daily routine.
I am happy and blessed to have been able to enjoy this stay.
Thank you for your attention!
It felt good!
Here are some photos taken during a night at the hotel with the children. I will try to relax and situation.
A mother for babysitting fees
Thank you for giving us a break by paying a babysitter. It really helped us a lot at a time when there was an emergency for my health. The support of The Kangaroo House is worth all the gold.
Fortunately there are still people like Josée Fortin who really want to help parents in the difficult situations they encounter.
Good Afternoon!
I want to say thank you for listening.
You are the first person who actually took the time to listen to my concerns.
These are difficult times and it has been very hard on our family BUT we will get through this.
I appreciate any help you can offer to us.
Here is a picture of my three little ones.
Thank you for giving us a break by paying a babysitter. It really helped us a lot at a time when there was an emergency with my health.The support of The Kangaroo House is worth more in a moment that I have received no help! Fortunately there are still people like Josée Fortin who really want to help parents in the difficult situations they encounter.
Hello Ms. Fortin,
Congratulations on your initiative. Many parents need support and I found your initiative an excellent way to support and protect children.
Kind regards, I.P.
I wanted to thank Josée and The Kangaroo House for allowing me to go and relax with my partner and two of my eight children (those who still stay with us, the others being older). I really needed to rest and to go out from the house and you allowed me to do that. With eight children and 7 grandchildren and a 14 year old autistic child, it is not always easy. I am always available to help my children, but the accumulation meant that I too needed help and rest. Thanks to you I was able to benefit from a rest and thank you very much for your help.
Thank you
Marie Julie
Hello Josée Fortin,
I am sending you beautiful energies to gather what you need for this work. Feel free to call us for human resources.
Special Education Technique Teacher at Cégep du Vieux-Montréal Responsible for coordinating internships 2 and 3
Dear Mrs Fortin,
I don’t know how to start thanking you for last weekend. It meant a lot to me and my son. First of all, The Kangaroo House is impressive and welcoming but I didn’t expect that the attention and love shared at this home was going to be so huge. Sunday night, I found my son in peace, talking a lot and happy. He was proud to show me his toys and friends. He was acting like he was at our house. Before leaving, he gave Mrs Louise a big hug and has even cried when he saw his friend (another cute little boy) entering another car, instead of leaving with us. And the mother…I was able to rest and take care of me and take care of the house that I share with my son. I was really tired! I realized that when I was trying to wake up from a 2-hours nap and my body was really heavy and I couldn’t move my hands! Nevertheless, no worries, I quickly regained my strength ?
Thank you so much for everything!
I just read about your project in La Presse. Congratulations on this great initiative.
The school Virage
Hello Ms. Fortin,
I am a social worker working in a CLSC and I heard about your resource on television. I take this opportunity to congratulate you on this valuable initiative; our families are in dire need of this kind of resource. Bravo again Ms. Fortin and have a good day.
Social Worker
Hello Josée,
I work as a specialist in the Directorate of Student Behavior in the the Montreal English School Board, and has done so for 18 years. I read with great interest the article in The Gazette this morning from the Kangaroo House. What a wonderful idea. Finally! I always asked myself why we do not have anything to address the needs of families who cope with difficulty (on a temporary basis) and need a little help with their kids, to get through the daily obstacles. Good luck with what appears to be a wonderful and much needed project!
This idea is fantastic!
This morning at LCN, I heard for the first time about this Kangaroo House project and I want to congratulate you about it. I don’t know who had the idea but I’m sure it will respond to a request increasingly evident in our society.
Several years ago I would have liked to have the support of a Kangaroo House. Since it did not exist, I had to deal with pain and misery, but I managed. I have two children who are now teenagers and I am very proud of them.
Long life to your project,
Sincerely, N.
Urgent need for a respite !
I have an urgent and growing need respite for a few days. However, I have no money and I come from the South Shore. I’m alone with my little girls. I am experiencing depression with a borderline personality diagnosis. My parents are exhausted, and despite my repeated requests for about a month, they are unable to help me. I’ve been sick for three weeks and now I can’t stand myself or the children… I’m too tired!!! I admire your courage and initiative. When it will get better for me, it will be my turn to start something similar on the south shore! The need is there and there is not enough services available, especially for the single parents. We must act before tragedies or separations mother / children or father / children happen. I sincerely believe that there is not enough light on the single parent situation.
Thank you!
I am aware of the existence of The Kangaroo House since I read about it in a newspaper article. Let me give you a quick picture of my situation. I am a single mother of three children of 3, 6 and 8 years old. I am separated from the father since March 2010. The father is completely absent; the children see him three hours on Saturday in a supervision center. He doesn’t pay for child support (despite several judgments) and I work 30 hours a week. My family is in France and I don’t have any help here. In short, I am tired, exhausted… I need a break…
Sincerely, L.
Hello Ms. Fortin,
I found your Website while reading a story on the Guy Turcotte trial and I was touched by your idea of the need for children to have a safe haven when their parents are incapable of doing so. Several years ago, I found myself in a similar situation while going through an extremely painful and emotional separation from my husband. My children were around 9 and 10 at the time and I did not have the energy for anything beyond providing the most basic necessities. I was fortunate that my parents came to my house a few times a week so that I could cry, sleep, walk, take a bath and try to recover and they hugged, bathed, loved my children when I could not do so fully. I was also seeing a psychologist once a week to help me to identify and cope with my anger, disappointment, resentment and a lot of other feelings – especially when my husband would drive up in his shiny new car with his rich girlfriend to pick up my children and enjoy the weekend in Mont-Tremblant. Now, with much hard work and determination, I am in a very good place! My children are both excellent students; my son is in university and my daughter in Cégep. I work at an amazing company, I have good people in my life and I volunteer often to give back a bit of my good fortune. I would like to have more information about the volunteering opportunities that you have available and how I may be able to help with either the children, the parents or in administration. I look forward to hearing back from you,
Best Regards D.
During a more difficult time seeking help and support, I was fortunate enough to have on my path an exceptional lady, Mrs. Josée Fortin from The Kangaroo House, who took the time to listen to me and reassure me. Without knowing her, she became my friend. I know that at any time, I can call her and with empathy she will listen to me without judging me. She also gave me a gift to take my mind off things that I really needed: a night at the Super 8 for me and my daughter. My daughter was so happy! I hope that people who can, will help this organization that I believe can make all the difference in the life of a family in crisis, no matter what the state of the crisis.
Thank you again a thousand times to The Kangaroo House for the support you have given me.
Josée Fortin,
I’d like to share my experience in regards of the help I got from the Kangaroo House.I am a single mother of a 5 and a half years old boy. I’m alone since his young age to provide. I also have to see to all his educational needs and I don’t have much support from his father and my family. Sometimes I get really exhausted and I rarely get the chance to recover. Even when I’m sick, I don’t get any help and to my opinion it is inhumane not to rest when we’re so unwell that, against our will, we have to stay in bed. Holidays during the holiday season should be a time for the parents to have fun and to be able to rest after all the hard work accomplished throughout the year. Unlike what people think it is a very different story for a single parent because we have no one to take over. It was a winter evening, I remember and will always remember, January 2nd … I was in a state of total exhaustion. With the help of a friend who had referred me to The Kangaroo House, I was able to call the organization at the moment when I needed it the most. The person who answered greeted me and I felt compassion for what I was experiencing. With her comforting words and listening, I felt relieved that I was not alone in the world. I was lucky enough to receive the services of this extraordinary organization. Therefore I was able to rest and then have a better quality of life with my son.
Thank you.
We hereby wish to offer our support at the request of Ms. Josée Fortin, Executive Director of the Kangaroo House.
The interdisciplinary team of La Maison Bleue of Saint-Michel, affiliated with the CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, offers reception services, psychosocial services and pregnancy follow-up to pregnant women and families living difficult life situations. Indeed, the majority of our families are experiencing great financial precariousness, precarious migratory situations, a lack of access to government programs (daycare, family allowances) and, above all, significant social isolation.
Recently, we were able to count on the support of the Kangaroo House to help a single mother who had to go to the hospital to give birth and could not bring her three-year-old son with her. Unfortunately, with no network, friends or family in Montreal and a very low income, she had to find someone to look after her son during the delivery and the days of hospitalization. Fortunately, the Kangaroo House was able to offer emergency financial assistance so that she could pay for a babysitter to care for the child.
Unfortunately, the situation described above is a reality at La Maison Bleue of Saint-Michel and other organizations as well. Without this help, you will understand that our client would have been left without resources.
We are very grateful and relieved that an organization such as the Kangaroo House exists and that we can have such a good cooperation from Mrs. Josée Fortin in circumstances such as the one we have just described. It is without a doubt an essential organization for families in difficulty and for the network partners working with vulnerable clienteles.
Sincerely, on behalf of the entire team at La Maison Bleue of Saint-Michel,
Hello Mrs,
We are The Re-Source, a support and shelter house for women victims of domestic violence with or without children. The women who use our services sometimes need more support than the services we provide. This is why the services of The Kangaroo House are essential. Moms occasionally need some break time, without worrying about the safety of their children. So that they can take a little break to regain their strength.
The emergency respite of your home gives this chance to women, in their process of regaining power. Domestic violence is a dynamic that takes place in private, which has a huge impact on women as well as children. Together we can make that difference for them.
Thank you
N. & Jennifer-Ann
Good day,
As an intervention worker at the Montreal CAVAC, I wanted to underline the close collaboration I had with The Kangaroo House resource. I intervened with a father who was victim of a criminal act. He was no longer safe and had few resources and urgently needed to be relocated with his child. The resource was able to respond to our emergency request by sending him to a hotel for a few days. This allowed him to take steps while remaining in a safe place.
Thank you very much for this collaboration and we look forward to working with you again!
Being a parent is not always easy. While we can have wonderful family moments, there may be special events or circumstances that lead us to be out of ressources. At these times, it is important to be able to continue to ensure the safety and well-being of our children. The Kangaroo House can be a great support. It offers emergency and front-line services to children whose parents experience temporary problems.
It was very important for me to take a moment to thank The Kangaroo House for the support and help they offered to a mother and her son, victims of crime, with whom we had the pleasure to intervene. While all the shelters were at full capacity, they offered a night at the hotel to this very vulnerable family. Their kindness and sensitivity quickly put this mother in confidence and allowed them to have a safe place to spend the night.
The Kangaroo House is a precious support to families and vulnerable people living in particularly difficult situations. Their intervention with this family made all the difference.
A big thank you from the entire team at the Montreal Crime Victims Assistance Center.
Véronique Jeandupeux
CAVAC de Montréal
My name is J.B. and I have been a police officer with the SPVM for over 15 years. I have worked my entire career in the downtown station. In 2021, we experienced a sharp increase in cases of domestic violence with the isolation of couples, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a front-line worker, I am called upon more and more to help these victims who sometimes find themselves without support.
In April 2021, I was called to help a woman victim of domestic violence who was in the presence of her young daughter. She did not have any family or friends who could come and support her (accommodation / financially). I had almost exhausted all resources for women when I managed to speak to Ms. Fortin about the Kangaroo House. I had never heard of this resource before. I was surprised to see how much they assisted me in finding temporary accommodation for my victim as well as follow-up to relocate her on a more permanent basis afterwards.
I would like to thank Ms. Fortin and the Kangaroo House for their collaboration which enabled me to support my victim, who did not feel alone during the process. In addition, I would like to thank Ms. Fortin for supporting me throughout my intervention. Furthermore, I can confirm to you that my victim was extremely grateful to have been able to benefit from your services.
I would not hesitate to contact you in the future if I ever have a similar situation that arises because you have made a difference.